Develop the Leaders Your Company Deserves.

Invest in a 3 day skills-based management training that transforms potential into performance. Training is led by Ex Director of Met Office, Amazon & Aldi.

Register your interest in our emerging leader training

Is your team facing these challenges?

Managers feeling overwhelmed and underprepared

Communication breakdowns costing the company

Missed opportunities due to leadership skills gaps

The Essential Expert Solution

 Leadership skills that deliver results

Problem-solving and decision-making mastery

Ongoing support and peer networking

Effective communication for team alignment

Process optimisation for increased productivity

What is covered in the 3-day course?

May & June Courses

Day 1: Unleashing Potential

Theme: Self-Discovery and Skill Development

  • Understanding personal styles
  • Building resilience and mental toughness
  • Navigating leadership transitions
  • Effective communication and influencing skills
  • Conceptual game night for team bonding and reinforcement of key learnings

Day 2: Inspiring Innovation

Theme: Cultivating Creativity and Problem-Solving

  • Fostering a culture of innovation
  • Applying design thinking for problem-solving
  • Embracing diversity and inclusion in leadership
  • Leading through change and adaptability
  • Innovation hackathon to apply learned concepts in real-world scenarios

Day 3: Empowering Action

Theme: Visionary Leadership and Goal Achievement

  • Reflecting on personal and professional goals
  • Turning vision into reality
  • Building high-performance teams
  • Charting individual leadership journeys
  • Fostering ongoing connections

Key Benefits

  • Increased employee retention
  • Boosted morale and productivity
  • CPD and UKAS points
  • Enhanced CSR reputation (supporting Career Pursuit charity)

Register your interest in our emerging leader training